
Friday, May 19, 2017

VO or EO substitution is not affected on the page though the XMLImporter is successful

EO or VO substation import is successful but still the replace is not reflected

Issue: I have substituted PoRequisitionHeaderEO with XXPoRequisitionHeaderEO

and saved the xml in XXPoRequisitionHeaderEO.xml  and saved on local folder.

and executed using
java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter $XXCUST_TOP/oracle/apps/icx/por/schema/server/customizations/site/0/XXPoRequisitionHeaderEO.xml -username apps -password dotapps2017 -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=$DBHOST)(PORT=$DBPORT))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=$DBSID)))" -rootdir $CUSTOM_TOP/oaf_personalization/ -rootPackage /

Import successful.

But when I checked on page the EO substitution is not shown.

I have checked below query to see the replace is successful in database. All looks good.

select * from JDR_ATTRIBUTES 
where att_comp_docid in (select comp_docid from JDR_COMPONENTS where COMP_DOCID in (select path_docid from JDR_PATHS where path_name like '%PoRequisitionHeaderEO%'

The issue: The xml file that I saved was XXPoRequisitionHeaderEO.xml which is not correct
It should be XXPoRequisitionHeaderEO.xml

Because, when we run XMLImporter it saves file with the reference as below

but if we use the file name as XXPoRequisitionHeaderEO, the above will have PoRequisitionHeaderEO at the end. When we open page Oracle looks for site level customization which is not exists in seeded top. so the replace will not be affected.

So file name does matter when we substitute EO or VO.